Mobile Trends during the US Holiday Weekend

Over the past few years we’ve seen a tremendous growth in mobile traffic on the web. Because of this many of the most successful websites have invested in optimizing the experience of users on whatever device they use and however they connect to the internet. With mobile traffic now exceeding desktop, serving a quality mobile experience is more important than ever. During the recent holiday weekend, I was wondering how much retail traffic occurred via mobile or desktop devices. Was there a large shift towards mobile during peak times on Black Friday and Cyber Monday? Did mobile usage spike on specific days, or times of day? And when users are connecting from mobile, are they connecting over cellular networks or WiFi?

On Becoming a Contributor to the HTTP Archive

The HTTP Archive is an open source project that tracks how the web is built. Twice a month it crawls 1.3 million web pages on desktop and emulated mobile devices, and collects technical information about each of the web pages. That information is then aggregated and made available in curated reports. The raw data is also made available via Google BigQuery, which makes answering interesting questions about the web accessible to anyone with some knowledge of SQL as well as the curiosity to dig in.

How Many Sites Are Still Using AppCache?

The Application Cache has been deprecated and removed from the web standards. While some browsers still support it - that support is going away. For example, starting with Firefox 44 a console warning advised developers to use Service Workers instead. In Chrome v68, when an HTTP page loads with AppCache configured, the browser provides a warning that v69 will restrict AppCache to secure context only.

Brotli Compression: How Much Will It Reduce Your Content?

A few years ago Brotli compression entered into the webperf spotlight with impressive gains of up to 25% over gzip compression. The algorithm was created by Google, who initially introduced it as a way to compress web fonts via the woff2 format. Later in 2015 it was released as a compression library to optimize the delivery of web content. Despite Brotli being a completely different format from Gzip, it was quickly supported by most modern web browsers.

Analyzing 3rd Party Performance via HTTP Archive + CrUX

During a discussion about correlating 3rd party content to performance I decided to have some fun combining both the HTTP Archive and Chome User Experience Report data sets to see what we can learn. The results were pretty conclusive that there is a strong correlation between the % of 3rd party content on a site and the load times (measured via the onLoad metric).

HTTP Heuristic Caching (Missing Cache-Control and Expires Headers) Explained

Have you ever wondered why WebPageTest can sometimes show that a repeat view loaded with less bytes downloaded, while also triggering warnings related to browser caching? It can seem like the test is reporting an issue that does not exist, but in fact it’s often a sign of a more serious issue that should be investigated. Often the issue is not the lack of caching, but rather lack of control over how your content is cached.


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